Osteopathy is a hands on form of manual therapy with a particular focus on the musculoskeletal system. Osteopaths view the body from an integrated systems perspective rather than focusing solely on the area of a complaint. As part of their assessment and treatment Osteopaths look at how the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, gastrointestinal system and circulation function as a holistic unit.
Osteopathic treatment involves a variety of manual techniques including soft tissue stretching and massage, resisted muscle contractions, nerve mobilisation, therapeutic needling, joint articulation and manipulation. The type of techniques that are used is determined by the patient and their presenting complaint and will be discussed before any treatment takes place.
Because osteopaths look at the ‘whole’ picture of human functioning, they acknowledge the many factors contributing to health and wellbeing. We may therefore provide advice on diet, exercise, posture and other aspects of daily life. This comprehensive approach to management will help you to achieve the best possible results.
In Australia, osteopaths are government registered practitioners, with a training background covering medical sciences and diagnostics, as well as orthopeadics, neurology, pain science and osteopathic manual therapy. This means that osteopaths are primary care practitioners and are trained to carry out standard medical examinations, provide conservative primary treatment for neuromusculoskeletal pain complaints, and to recognise conditions which require further medical investigation.
The case history is taken in the privacy of the consulting room, and will include questions about your present problem, your past history including your exercise and work routine, previous complaints and your medical history. As part of the consultation you will given the opportunity to ask the osteopath any questions you may have about the treatment and management of your condition.
A thorough examination will be performed in order to form a diagnosis. Here, general posture, function and the appearance of the affected area are noted. Orthopaedic testing is used in order to assist with diagnosis. Once all this information has been attained and a diagnosis reached, a treatment plan will be discussed.
If we feel your presentation would respond to Osteopathic treatment, and you are happy with our treatment and management plan, treatment will then commence. Osteopathic treatment aims to be as holistic as possible. If relevant, you will be given advice regarding changes you could make to your daily activities that may assist in your recovery, e.g. the setup of your work station or car, modification of activities or exercise. Specific stretch and strengthening exercises may also be given.
In certain cases, patients may be referred for other special investigations such as X-rays or to consult their GP. The process with your osteopath is a collaborative one from start to finish, we encourage you to ask questions and communicate with us if you have any concerns.
A referral isn't necessary to see an Osteopath. A doctor may give you a referral containing relevant information to aid in your treatment process. If you are eligible for the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Program, a referral from your GP with a Care Plan is essential.
Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) patients require a referral in order for their claim to be processed.
Bring any paperwork or medical imaging (i.e. CT scans, x-rays, MRI’s, ultrasounds) that are relevant to your condition, as well as your Health Fund card if you are a member and can claim for your visit. If you are eligible for the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Program, please bring a copy of your documentation and a valid medicare card.
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